Today, we had our first presentation on the Internet of Coins at the Amsterdam Bitcoinference Summer 2014. The presentation sheet itself is now added to the home page, providing a short explanation of the concept of decentralized blockchain interconnectivity. If you have any questions or remarks, please let us know.

We had some great talks and have seen several interesting presentations, for instance about the history of centralized exchanges which eventually led to Draglet and the interest for miners in the use of block-hiding strategies. We would like to thank Nicolas Courtois in particular for providing a refreshing critical view on the vulnerabilities of current Bitcoin technology.

So what's next? The Bitcoinference will last a few more days, after which we plan on visiting several other meetups; most of them in the Netherlands to discuss the consortium and the required technology for the Internet of Coins. In the meantime we will continue to work on our hybrid assets whitepaper and keep you posted via this website - or you can fire questions at us any time via Twitter.

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