Internet of Coins to Ensure Robust Safety Arrangements
Internet of Coins (IoC) is a platform which allows you to trade digital assets and currencies peer to peer, with an easy to use interface and the opportunity to earn fees from each other by participating in the network.
Most important concern for the platform is how to provide the best service possible in the most secure and safe way. A proper security model is the need of the hour as security concerns are one of the major issues hounding the modern internet.
No traffic is safe from being snooped upon today and simply using HTTPS is a halfway measure, which provides insufficient security for users, due to its top-down certificate model. High profile breaches like the Diginotar hack have already made their case against only employing HTTPS security.
Internet of Coins employs a robust, best of breed security technology in the form of something they call upsilon channels. Specifically, the NACL encryption libraries implemented in IoC use multiple tunnels of public and private key cryptography to encrypt and to protect the financial data of the users of the Internet of Coins.
So the cryptography of the Internet of Coins project already provides multiple layers of security. However, this is in addition to the distribution of datastreams over alternative decentralized networks such as TOR and I2P. These systems enable the usage of data packets that will flow through the network completely encrypted and sealed in multiple layers until they arrive at their intended destination.
The code of Internet of Coins runs only in a few hundred kilobytes of libraries. The footprint of this design is small, compressed and is able to run inside the web browser.
A light footprint also allows for the users to use cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and hybrid assets with more flexibility. In this way they get the freedom to use them in any way they want to from one coherent environment.
The Internet of Coins team is dedicated to provide a platform that not just acts as ‘a coherent whole out of the decentralized economy initiatives’, but is also extremely secure. Internet of Coins has employed the best safety measures in order to make the environment trustworthy and secure for everybody.