Heads up! Since our last post we have worked hard on our whitepaper and the decentralized alpha. We will make sure to upload samples to our GitHub before and during the launch period to provide everyone further insight into the project. In the meantime we have been introducing Internet of Coins to the world.
We were invited by BitKassa to explain the workings of our system at the Arnhem Bitcoin City event at the end of November. The night was fun and it was good to see so many diverse crypto-enthusiasts. A report of the event can be found at BitPost, including an interview with us. During that week, lead developer Joachim was also interviewed at talkshow 'The week of Bitcoin'. You can watch the (Dutch) vodcast here.
After another visit to one of our regular Amsterdam meetups we decided to go virtual at the Crypto Money Expo. We had a few laughs with visitors at our booth and received positive feedback from the viewers at the online Q&A presentation. Good to see one of our supporters from NXT as well. All in all a good test for our visit to the Virtual Bitcoin Expo in January.
During our visit to Brussels in October we got in touch with regulars from the Gent Bitcoin Meetup. I paid them a visit the 6th of December and Internet of Coins actually became the first presentation at this amusing Flemish gathering. The Belgian beers were a delight! Kudos to the guys from Anycoin Direct for sharing a ride back to the Netherlands.
Between the work we've read up on current developments. Next to OpenBazaar we are pleased to see other decentralized open source initiatives such as Bitmarkets emerge as an option to exchange goods and services. Just like Bitmarkets, our client will natively support anonymous usage via networks such as Tor or I2P.
As you may notice we have been quite busy, with more conferences coming up in Germany and the United Kingdom. I am glad to announce that our next blogpost will include... (insert drumroll) the whitepaper. Stay tuned!